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Arcane Witch's Powers: Short Stories - Witch's Cursed Circle Series Read online

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  Zoren still went down though

  Dain, on the other hand, had been on relentless offence with his beastly super strength. However, the barrier of translucent red and violet around her had warded off any kind of assault he launched.

  She made no move for a couple of seconds. It was like she was waiting for the right time to break the link between the two to tear them apart. I feel like I could see all the acts of murder going through her head.

  I really do not know this woman

  Even, in light of learning of her manipulations, thinking I’ve removed all the layers of her mask would be so foolish of me.

  Bran pointed his right finger and made a slicing motion in his left wrist. His sharp nail tore a surface of his pale skin to let out blood. But instead of spilling to the ground, the blood started to clot outside.

  That’s when I realized; Bran was manipulating its form.

  In just a few seconds, he had already produced a gun out of his own blood. The ability, just like the vampires that have it was another myth I’d only heard about until this point.

  The incision in his wrist immediately vanished as soon as the tool of destruction formed. It was like his skin was stitched back perfectly. I’d be mesmerized if this wasn’t all so terrifying.

  Ryia wasted no time pointing the gun at her and firing it at full blast. The bullets sliced through the air at lightning speed, only hitting the tough barrier around her, but unlike Zoren’s dagger, the bullets did not drop to the ground. Instead, they spun at high speed as they pierced their way through the arcane barrier and continued after their target.

  The look on her face told me that Ryia was not expecting that.

  A wave of her fingers and another barrier layer was added.

  But, that didn’t stop any of the bullets from penetrating.

  She was forced to take steps back as she added layer after layer to the barrier, to keep the bullets from reaching her.

  The moment of her distraction gave an opening to Dain. He had been waiting for this.

  Preparing for a leap, he bent his forelegs like a predator ready to attack his prey. His large fangs were more than ready and willing to rip away her flesh. Deciding it was the right time, he finally lunged at her defenseless open back.

  The sudden smirk in her matted lips was like a pitchfork in my chest. What he did was a mistake that would cost him his life.

  Without turning her head, another slicing force made its way from the werewolf’s left. He didn’t have time to shift direction to dodge mid-air.

  Bran saw the fatal blow racing towards Dain and summoned a portal to transport him out of harm’s way, but at the expense of stopping the bullets.

  He turned the bullets against their owner with a twitch of her slender finger. Instead of opening up another portal, the vampire swiftly turned to me and embraced me protectively. His slight slim build blocked my view and completely covered my figure.

  I almost couldn’t breathe through the wool fabric of his long sleeve shirt as he squeezed me tightly. I felt the impact of the bullets he received to his back. My hands reached behind his shoulder only to touch holes in the fabric that revealed fresh wounds.

  His blood trickled to my fingers, and as I withdrew them. My shaking hands were completely covered with his blood.

  Everything happened so quickly.

  I pulled away in fright to look at his handsome face, and after coughing blood, his thin pink lips formed a grin.

  “Blood is supposed to go into my mouth not come out of it,” he tried to chuckle in an attempt to joke, but it only ended with a bloody cough.

  “Are you afraid of me, Liliwen?”

  His question during dinner rung in my ears, and it was one that bought me fear.

  But now, I know how stupid I was to think he meant me harm.

  If he did, he wouldn’t have let me live —or at least let me come back to life—in the first place.

  He wouldn’t go through the trouble of trying to fix a literally broken person if he had wanted to get rid of me.

  This man, under the facade of his cunning sarcasm and seemingly deceptive personality, had shown nothing but care and concern for me.

  I had let his playful casual smile and riddled words mislead me to think he was an antagonist when, in fact, he was the one who showed me who the real antagonists were.

  But here I am...unscathed because of him.

  His right hand reached for my face and wiped the fallen tears with his very gentle touch.

  “Don’t worry. This isn’t enough to kill me.”

  I couldn’t help but sniff in return when he smiled.

  The touching moment, however, was over as soon as a sharp voice spoke.

  “No. But this will.”


  The ringing in my ears was caused by the sound of the shot, right in front of me.

  Right before my eyes, Bran’s head exploded with the point-blank shot.

  Ryia had the gun’s mouth right at the back of what remained of the vampires head.

  After the ringing had stopped, the body embracing me fell to the ground.

  I can feel the tremor in my whole body, but I could only stare at the nothingness left by Bran’s figure.


  The woman who pulled the trigger scoffed at the body.

  “Tch. You thought you could outwit me. But as soon as I figured your portal-making ability has intervals, I knew you’d be screwed if I attacked in succession,” as if taking his life wasn’t enough, she kicked the lifeless body with her demeaning heels, “You can’t summon one after another for about two minutes.”

  Her voice was, then, overlaid with a low growl coming from behind her.

  Sure enough, the death of his comrade enraged him. Dain made a beeline for Ryia with his strong legs dashing at lightning speed. He had to be faster than Ryia’s reaction to having a chance to get at her. But his calculation ended in vain.

  The werewolf was vertically sliced in half by the arcane witch’s blade-like force that came out of nowhere.

  My knees gave way beneath me, and I collapsed to the ground.

  I couldn’t look away from the nauseating horror show laying before me as the halves of his flesh dropped separately to the ground, sending blood gushing everywhere.

  Ryia brushed off her shoulder despite no blood touching the cloth of her red coat. She turned on her heels and said in a commanding voice, “Stand up, Lili. We’re going home.”

  She walked over the bodies and their pieces with a coldness that unhinged me. She stomped away through the forest, expecting me to follow her, but I could not move.


  My heart couldn’t take it.

  My mind wouldn’t accept it.

  This is not real.

  This is not real...

  IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT, lifeless bodies lay scattered on the ground, and blood covered the lakeside soil, finding its way to the water.

  The clearness of the water was polluted with the thick redness of blood.

  And as the lake reflected the crescent shape in the sky...

  In the blanket of the lake, the illuminating light mixed with blood in the water had transformed its form to a dreadful scarlet moon.

  Preview of Book 3

  Witch’s Wishes

  THE WORLD I LIVED IN was not what it seemed to be. I’d been seeing everything in hindsight all this time. I’d been abused with lies, fed with deceptions.

  But eventually, I just had enough.

  “Lady Alwyn...it’s time.”

  A small smile crept onto my face as I watched all of our plans coming into place.

  They thought they had me wrapped around their rotten fingers.

  They were so wrong.

  So arrogant. So clueless!!

  They think I’m still ignorant of what’s going on; of what they tried to do to me, and that made them greater fools than I ever was.

  Little do they know........

  The Catalyst witch is back, and they
still have no idea that I’ve been using them all like plastic chess pieces on a cheap board all along.

  To Be Continued


  Also By Evelyn Cooper

  Have you read them all?

  In the Witch’s Cursed Circle Series

  BOOK ONE – WITCH’S Circle in Time



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  EVELYN COOPER IS THE author of the Witch’s Cursed Circle Series of five short reads. You can find her online at www.evelyncooper.com If you ever fancy connecting by email, please feel free to drop Evelyn a line here she always enjoys receiving an email from her readers. Evelyn lives in the Cotswolds, UK but grew up in North Wales, this is where she draws all her inspiration, and you will find references to the Welsh language and places that mean a lot to her within the pages of her books.

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  Table of Contents

  Arcane Witch's Powers (Witch's Cursed Circle, #2)

  Evelyn’s Invitation for You

  Dedicated To | Binksy Magic & El Bobbiarrow

  Table of Contents

  Preview of Book 3 | Witch’s Wishes

  To Be Continued | Also By Evelyn Cooper | Have you read them all? | In the Witch’s Cursed Circle Series

  Evelyn’s invitation for you

  Have you enjoyed this book? Is so you can make a huge difference to me......